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[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”2_3″][et_pb_accordion admin_label=”Accordion” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] [et_pb_accordion_item title=”Post Arrival Services”] [/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Student Orientation”]

At the beginning of a course of study the students are to be given a short orientation and it must include the following:

  • A tour of the RTO identifying classrooms, student areas, student administration area, and any other relevant areas within the RTO such as toilets, fire exits, and restricted areas.
  • All students are to receive a copy of the ‘Student Information’ document and each section explained to students.
  • Students are to be provided information on how to access the student support services within Australian Institute of Engineering.

[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Nominated Student Support Officer”]

Whilst all staff employed by Australian Institute of Engineering has the responsibility to provide support to all students, Australian Institute of Engineering shall nominate a ‘Student Support Officer’ who shall be available to all students, on an appointment basis, through the standard RTO hours of business.


Students can access the Student Support Officer directly or via student administrations and an appointment will be organised as soon as practical.


Currently the role and responsibility this ‘Student Support Officer’ is maintained by the person detailed below:


Name: Shubhneet Tyagi (CEO)         

Ph:  0421 127 654 (During RTO business hours and after-hours emergency only)   


[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Student Support Services”]

  • Academic issues

Students may have concerns with their attendance, academic performance or other related issues that are placing them at risk of not achieving the requirements of their course. Students are able to gain advice and support in ensuring they maintain appropriate academic levels, attendance levels, and general support to ensure they achieve satisfactory results in their studies.

All students’ progress and attendance is monitored and guidance and support provided where non satisfactory results are identified.

A student is able to access the student support officer to discuss any academic, attendance, or other related issues to studying at the RTO at any time. The student support officer will be able to provide advice and guidance, or referral, where required.


  • Personal / Social issues

There are many issues that may affect a student’s social or personal life and Students have access to the Support officer through normal RTO hours to gain advice and guidance on personal issues, accommodation issues, or family / friend issues. Where the Student Support Officer feels further support should be gained, a referral to an appropriate support service will be organised.


  • Accommodation

While the RTO does not offer accommodation services or take any responsibility for accommodation arrangements the RTO is able to refer students to appropriate accommodation services and are always available to discuss any issues or concerns a student may have with their accommodation arrangements.

All students are encouraged to have accommodation organised prior to arrival in Australia but the Student Support Officer can refer students to appropriate accommodation services.


  • Medical Issues

Student Administration will always have an up to date list of medical professionals within access from the RTO location and any student with medical concerns should inform the student support officer who will assist them in finding an appropriate medical professional.

Local medical services can be gained from the student support officer.


  • Legal Services

The RTO is able to provide some advice and guidance on a limited range of situations. Where the Student Support Officer feels it appropriate for you to gain professional legal advice they will refer you to an appropriate legal professional.

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